If you want to know more about any of the terms used in the Appeal Center, you can find an alphabetical overview of all terms and their clarification below.
Account Status - The current status of the account, whether it is active (able to be used without restriction) or inactive (due to being banned or deleted).
Action Taken - A description of the type of action taken against an account after a violation is found.
Active (Violation) - A violation that has been applied to the account and is able to be appealed.
Appeal - The process by which a user requests a review of a confirmed violation that impacted their account.
Appealed (Violation) - A violation that has already been appealed. This includes those that are being actively reviewed or those fully processed.
Ban - The action taken on an account after confirming a violation that results in the user being prohibited from accessing the account or creating new ones. The profile is removed from the platform.
Content Removal - The action taken to remove user-generated content on a user’s profile that is found to be in violation of Tinder’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. Note: Content removals will always be accompanied by a Warning.
Description - Further details about what happened that resulted in action being taken for a violation.
Expired (Violation) - A violation that has been applied to an account that can no longer be appealed because the action was taken more than 6 months ago.
Flagged by: Automated Systems - The case was discovered using automated tools before action was taken.
Flagged by: Report(s) - The case was discovered through report(s) submitted by other users or external parties before action was taken.
Flagged by: Tinder Initiated Review - The case was discovered during regular business operations and reviewed before action was taken
Last Updated - The date of the last change to a violation. If the violation has been appealed but not yet processed, it will be the date the appeal was submitted. Once processed, it will be the date when the appeal review was completed.
Outcome - The result after an appeal has been processed.
Reviewed by: Automated System - The violation was determined by automated tools and did not involve a human moderator.
Violations - Content or behavior that is not in line with Tinder’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.
Violation Type - The name of the policy that was violated.
Warning - The action taken after confirming a violation that results in the user being notified of the behavior. Note, multiple warnings for the same Violation Type can result in an account being banned. Warnings will also accompany Content Removals.