Why pronouns matter?
Pronouns allow our users to add depth and breadth to their profile. Like names, pronouns are an important part of who someone is and how to properly refer to them. . We want our users to feel supported in communicating and expressing all aspects of themselves, including pronouns.
How can I add pronouns to my Tinder profile?
In your Tinder app, navigate to Edit Profile within your Profile Home. Users can edit their profile by adding pronouns from the Pronouns section.
Where will pronouns appear on my Tinder profile?
Once pronouns are added to the user's profile, users can preview their selections in the Edit Profile screen. You will also see other users’ pronouns (if added) displayed right below their names when looking at their profile. Another way to see pronouns is to tap on the i icon which opens up the detailed profile view with pronouns displayed right below the user's name.
Note: This feature is only available in select test markets for now.
How many pronouns can I add to my profile?
Our users can choose up to four pronouns.
Ex: he/him/they/them or she/her
Am I allowed to select pronouns from different sets?
We recognize that pronoun usage may vary depending on where our users are and who they are with. Users may choose multiple pronouns from different sets as we want to allow our users to express themselves most authentically in all situations.
Am I required to add pronouns?
Adding pronouns is optional.
How did Tinder decide these specific pronouns?
Tinder worked with our inclusivity advocacy partners to help determine which pronouns to make available on the app as we gradually roll out this feature. However, your feedback helps us improve. We recognize that self-expression is unique to everyone and language evolves over time.
Please feel free to let us know what pronouns you’d like to be added.